Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quarterlife Crisis - Other events in 2010

The other events in 2010 with:

Family: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Picnic durin Public Holiday like Good Friday, NDP etc, Navy OpenHouse, brisk walk from HortPark to Henderson Wave, Lantern Festival, Parents' 30th wedding anniversary, monthly dinner at relatives place..

Hubby + Besties: Weekly dinner affair, almost everyday MJ session, drinkin session at my place or kbox, photoshoot..

BFF: Steamboat dinners, USS...

Colleagues: Sailin out, Dinners after work for catch-up with colleagues who no longer workin at CKB..

All these events mentioned are bonding time for Family, Love and Friends... I would treasure their love for the longest time ever..

*All photos can be found in Facebook*

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出合いサイト said...
